This year I learned how to read decimals correctly. An important decision I made this year is to put my Lecening ears on and pay more attention. one goal I accomplished this year was to get better at reading my favourtive The funniest thing that happen this year when I was walking backwards and I fell into the senior playground.
Welcome to my e-Portfolio. Share in my learning journey. Visit often. Leave feedback. Enjoy!
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Reflection time
This year I was a better person by trying harder at maths ad reading and now I am greater then I was.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Term 4 week 6
On the weekend I went to swan lake I went with my uncle and cuzen. Did you know that the Russians are the best at ballet in the world. We got to sit at the top so we were looking down on them there was different scenes. there is this evil man who tried to kill the prince and he failed so he was baisicly just dancing behind him and it was very interesting liked it because they were very graceful. They were al, in different parts and costumes. The king looked like a pirate . There were so much people in different parts of the ballet. There were heaps of people giving the prince weapons he got a sord and a crossbow.
Friday, 27 November 2015
Yahtzee probability
It was hard to figur out the answers. It was easy to figur out the probability. I am proud of my work because i worked really hard. My next step is to do harder things with my maths.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Narrative writing
My Reflection
I am learning to write a narrative I am proud of the story I created. It was easy to think of the things I was going to write. It was hard to think of characters. My next step is to do harder story's.
It was really fun to think of new fairy tales.
I am learning to write a narrative I am proud of the story I created. It was easy to think of the things I was going to write. It was hard to think of characters. My next step is to do harder story's.
It was really fun to think of new fairy tales.
Monday, 16 November 2015
swimming sharks
Room We have been doing swimming for 5 weeks so far this is the video of my swimming,
we were doing free style I am proud because it looks amazing. I have never seen myself swim. This is what I see when I swim I see my moth slittly out of the water, I also see nice long arms that are stretched out I like doing swimming in school I cant wait to do it next year.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Narrative writing
I was learning to write a narrative. First I had to watch a video, read some examples and think about fairy tales I know. With my group I had to order the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale, label it and then take I photo. Next I had to use this to complete a writing frame. I thought it was interesting because it made me think really deeply about what makes a story interesting and how to hook a reader in. I liked the framework as it let me put my thoughts in a clear order and helped me know what to put into my narrative as a whole. I chose to share my learning by completing the logical order activity. I thought it was easy after I read the information about the structure of a narrative. My next step is to use what I have learnt to write my own narrative.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Determining CredibilIty
We are learning about Determining Credibility It was easy to get information it was fun I am proud because it was my first time learning about this My next step is to do something harder We had to look at two sites and we red the site and answered questions.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Term 4 Week 4
On the weekend I went up North with my friend in the car trip we played on our I pads we played smule magic piano mine craft we also played blockheads after a two and a half hour trip we were there when we were there we got our luggage in our room and then we moved cows and climbed trees and marked them with spray
Then we came inside and got our lunch we had hot dogs then we went and played Minecraft I made a really awesome house on survival it was made out of smooth stone and the roof was quartz and theirs a secret room behind a painting i is my chest room.
After that we got changed into our Halloween costume I got into my vampire costume then we got in the car and headed to the party when we got there we ate lots of food and partied. then we went through the ghost walk
Then we came inside and got our lunch we had hot dogs then we went and played Minecraft I made a really awesome house on survival it was made out of smooth stone and the roof was quartz and theirs a secret room behind a painting i is my chest room.
After that we got changed into our Halloween costume I got into my vampire costume then we got in the car and headed to the party when we got there we ate lots of food and partied. then we went through the ghost walk
Friday, 30 October 2015
balenced or bias
We are learning about balanced or biased article this is my follow up this article is about why chocolate is good for you it was hard to figure out what to right about it was easy to find facts for my article i am proud of myself because i have never written and biased or balanced article. I cant wait to do another article
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Week 3 Term 4
On the long weekend I played on my I Pad I played block Heads and i made a new world it is better then my other world because i got lots of things I didn't have before i got a press a Taylor''s bench a builders bench a Furnis kiln and a compost bin On my other block heads world i didn't have all thees things.
also on the week end we went to Harvey Norman to get a printer we sore the most AWESOME Thing ever we sore a TOUCH SCREEN LAPTOP it was so amazing It even had a pen tat you could touch the laptop screen it was so amazinG but all my cozen was worried about was a barbie bed the had a barbie mattres that said barbie all over it.
also on the week end we went to Harvey Norman to get a printer we sore the most AWESOME Thing ever we sore a TOUCH SCREEN LAPTOP it was so amazing It even had a pen tat you could touch the laptop screen it was so amazinG but all my cozen was worried about was a barbie bed the had a barbie mattres that said barbie all over it.
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Fact or opinion
My Refection
This week we are learning about fact and opinion. This is my follow up. It was hard to find out if it was right or wrong It was Easy to do opinion I liked it because it was a fun activity because you had to remember thing and you had to find thing.
This week we are learning about fact and opinion. This is my follow up. It was hard to find out if it was right or wrong It was Easy to do opinion I liked it because it was a fun activity because you had to remember thing and you had to find thing.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Term 4 Week 2
Last weekend I went to my friends house. First we had a disco when we did the disco I met Mya and Hayley we ate lollies and fish and chips and we played on Minecraft and well we were on Minecraft Mya was Knitting head bands for us and we had a really pretty one.
Next Me and my friend had a sleep over we stayed up late and played on our i pad we played Minecraft blockhead's and block craft 3D and we watched youtube it was really fun and Finaly we had to go to bed and we talked for a little while and then we fell asleep Good night.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Term 4 Week 1
In the holiday I went to camp Raglan

In the first week of the holiday I packed my bag,when i was finished i looked through my suit case to make sure i was done, then i closed my suit case and put it in the car. Then we went to the bus stop, and the bus driver loaded the bus and we hoped on. After a 1 hour and a half drive we were in Hamilton, we hopped of the bus got our bags and went over to the camp bus, we gave our bags to the bus driver and he put them in the bag area , we hopped on the bus and got in our seats I sat next to my friend Rebekah we sat in the front because the boys wouldn't let us at sit in the back. On the bus ride we ate candy like bubble gum and Turkish delight and milky ways.
When we got to camp we went to the reception, and I gave my note and car sick pill to the lady at reception she told me i was with Aunty Victoria, so I went to my cabin and made my bed, then me and Rebekah went outside and played on the lullaby me and Rebekah got to push the lullaby.
In the morning Uncle Ian came through and woke us up then we Quickly got changed, brushed our teeth for breakfast we brush our teeth before breakfast because there's no time after breakfast because we've got morning activities. For morning activities we did quad bike I road with Aunt Victoria we were in the lead we were so fast.
On Wednesday we went down to the beach we made the amazon jungle city, we made a water line after we went to the beach, we got into our togs and got our towl's and got on the bus to water world. first me and my friends went on the Hydra slides, then we went on this inflatable stick the aim of it is to try sit on the to for as long as you can with out falling of
In the first week of the holiday I packed my bag,when i was finished i looked through my suit case to make sure i was done, then i closed my suit case and put it in the car. Then we went to the bus stop, and the bus driver loaded the bus and we hoped on. After a 1 hour and a half drive we were in Hamilton, we hopped of the bus got our bags and went over to the camp bus, we gave our bags to the bus driver and he put them in the bag area , we hopped on the bus and got in our seats I sat next to my friend Rebekah we sat in the front because the boys wouldn't let us at sit in the back. On the bus ride we ate candy like bubble gum and Turkish delight and milky ways.
When we got to camp we went to the reception, and I gave my note and car sick pill to the lady at reception she told me i was with Aunty Victoria, so I went to my cabin and made my bed, then me and Rebekah went outside and played on the lullaby me and Rebekah got to push the lullaby.
In the morning Uncle Ian came through and woke us up then we Quickly got changed, brushed our teeth for breakfast we brush our teeth before breakfast because there's no time after breakfast because we've got morning activities. For morning activities we did quad bike I road with Aunt Victoria we were in the lead we were so fast.
On Wednesday we went down to the beach we made the amazon jungle city, we made a water line after we went to the beach, we got into our togs and got our towl's and got on the bus to water world. first me and my friends went on the Hydra slides, then we went on this inflatable stick the aim of it is to try sit on the to for as long as you can with out falling of
Friday, 4 September 2015
Geometry 3D shapes
This is my geometry activety. I was learning about 3D shapes we had to name shapes tell them how much faces corners and edges it was hard to name them it was easy to fergur out how much corners faces and edeg's it was fun because i love maths so that's what made it more easy my next step is to do something harder
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Term 3 Week 3
This week we did cross country we did two laps. Cross country is hard because when you run fast you get a stitch and you cant run but its actually really fun I like cross country because you exercise and you are haveing fun because you have to jump over a rope and run down a hill and go over a bridge
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Explanation Writing - How to Make a Milkshake
This is my explanation writeing it was easy because i choose a easy topic it was hard because i hade to remember how to make a milkshake i am proud of my work because its not to hard not to easy its was in the middle My next step is to add more detail to all of my work.
Monday, 3 August 2015
Kensukes kingdom - Chapter 2
It was hard to find a piture that you could see easy and that was easy to see it was easy to name the parts of the animal i liked it because we had to be creative and really think of what we were doing so the parts on the body were right and what they saw on there trip was correct
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Explnation writing
This is my writing follow up it's a local order one we had to put story about a dragon i n order it is about how to catch dragon.
Kensuke's Kingdom - Chapter 1
For reading we had to read chapter one of kensuke's kingdom this is my activity
it was hard to think of what they were thinking it was easy to think of what I was thinking because of the infomation from the book
My fractions
For my fractions i was learning to to identify the sobles of a impora fractions we played a fractions game called math man math man is like PAC man but you have to find the fraction that it tells you to find i got to level two but i only had one live left and i did the wrong fractions a died. It was hard becausee i dont no the impora fractions so i had to guess most of the fractions.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Term 3 week 2
This week we had a change in our class. now we have to work with masters. I am a rookie there are recruits witch are level one next are Rookies that are level two then there self directed learning level 3 with is scholar next there is the top level 4 witch is master My master is kind she lets us do what we want and she gets her work because she doesn't have to focus on us because she says do your work and we get it done i thought i was scholar but I had to work on more things then you should work on. I like doing self directed learning because it's really fun and we don't have to sit there and listen to the teacher jabbering on and telling us what we have to but instead we just do what we want.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
tree planting
On Tuesday 21 July 2015 Room 28 and 29 went down the the gravel track to the back of the filed.
There wasn't that many trees so the year 4 and 5 did something about it we planted toitoi flax and cabbage trees.
We were planting with peaple from the Auckland city council their names were Anna Poul and Carl.
We had to dig really hard because there were clay rocks and tree roots in the way.In the hole before we put the plant in we put a fertiliser tablet in the hole because it helps grow healthier and faster to grow.
we were in buddies to me it was easier with a bubbie because you could give the shovel to your buddie. I was buddies with my friend Charlotte
our class planted about 100 trees overall it was relley fun and i our class planted about 100 trees
overall it was relley fun and i relley liked it.
There wasn't that many trees so the year 4 and 5 did something about it we planted toitoi flax and cabbage trees.
We were planting with peaple from the Auckland city council their names were Anna Poul and Carl.
We had to dig really hard because there were clay rocks and tree roots in the way.In the hole before we put the plant in we put a fertiliser tablet in the hole because it helps grow healthier and faster to grow.
our class planted about 100 trees overall it was relley fun and i our class planted about 100 trees
overall it was relley fun and i relley liked it.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
My Colour poem
This is my colour poem
we had to do a colour poem first we had to do a smiley and metaphor brain storm. Next we had to do a colour brain storm. Then we had to draft our colour poem. Next we had to show the teacher. Finlay we had to upload our colour poem to our blog. It was fun to do the colour poem.
Friday, 26 June 2015
Charecter trats
venn diagram
I was learning adout charecters treats
it was easy in chapter 1 because it gives you lot of facts about the mane charecter
it was hard to get emotional facts because the auther didn't give you mutch envomation
Queen's Birthday
On Monday the 1st June it was Queen's birthday.
I went to my friends house .
we went on mine craft. We like to conect worlds and lee got lost in the ocean so I deleated my world that had dimonds on it
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
In reading I was doing a inferencing. we had an activity to do. We had to go on a website. It had questions we had to answer and we had to inference what we thought the answer was I got all 10 right. It was very fun. I was proud of my inferencng because I thought and got all the answers right.
It was hard to think of what I should put. It was easy to inference the answer.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Term 2 Week 10
Last week we did a rotation about Matarike.
The first rotation we did was reading we had to read to little kids in year one.
the first book we red was the story of how Matarike came to be.
Then we red little tuhatara.
The next rotation was midnight Matarike
first we got in a circle and then we got numbers
I got up to twilight witch is the second one up
the next activity was making paper flowers
we got a Peace of paper and started to weave
then we ended up with a paper flower
over all it was very fun
I liked the midnight Matarike.
Monday, 22 June 2015
Kiatiaki art
My Reflection
In room 28/29 we where doing art.
we drawed pitchers of Morie guardians.
God of wind is the one I did.We put words that our guardians are like. First we lesend cearful to the story of how the sky father and erth mother got splet apart and then we chose our guardian that we wanted to do. then we drew our gardean
next we coloured our pitcher in.
after that we went on a website and we chose a font and made our words.
next we coloured our pitcher in.
after that we went on a website and we chose a font and made our words.
Bike Skills
My Reflection
I have completed the learn to ride program
My class where doing IT for five weeks. we went to the field every Tuesday and we learnt lots of awesome skills. we errand a passport and a certificate and we learnt what's on a bike and what side we get on it from.
I have completed the learn to ride program
My class where doing IT for five weeks. we went to the field every Tuesday and we learnt lots of awesome skills. we errand a passport and a certificate and we learnt what's on a bike and what side we get on it from.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Term 2 week
This week we had to do a colour poem. If you wanted to you could do it in partners. Charlotte and I did it in a partner. Because you get more work done.
- first we had to do a colour brain storm
- Next we had to do a metaphor and similes brain storm
- then we had to draft our poem
- after that you had to check your work
- then you had to show the teacher
- then you had to show the teacher
we had to do all the colours of the rainbow me and Charlotte did the colour poem in an hour. it was so awesome because you had to think as hard as you can for similes and metaphors.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
My speech popplet
My Reflection
we had to do a popplet for what our speech might be My speech was about why all kids should play a sport. we had to do a popplet so we could think of ideas. it was hard to think of a was easy to think of ideas that would go with because I had a really easy topic. I am proud of my hard effete and my speech. next I would like to write another speech that is something different. I liked writing a speech because it made me think more about what I am writing.
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Te Tuhi Trip
Trip to Te Tuhi
last Thursday at 9 30 we went to Te Tuhi art senter. To make vertical gardens.
First we had to go to the art program room and chose our seets .
Then we lesand to the instructions
- we had to drow a gide so we could cut the bottle so it looked like all the other kids.
- then we cut them out
- then we thot of designs for our bottle
- then we had to choosseur plants
after we played hagn man , when i had to chosse a word I did tawhirimatea , lots of peaple had a hard time gussing that my word was tawhirimatea. Then someone said w , then someone else said tawhirimatea which was my word.
After we had a look at the art galery and all the other kids bottles that where from difrant class's .I liked that program because it was fun and we where the only school that was allod to go and only 5 class's went all the year 5s went and we where the only year 4s that went
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Term 2 Week 6
My week
This week we had a introduction to a new way of learning. We get to chose when we do amazing activitys that our thechers set. we get to do activeties when ever we would like. I like it because we
are free to do enething we would like and we don't have to do things when the thechers say . It's
also fun because the activtys are not to hard or to easy so all of us can be at the levle we need .
Also we dont have to do what the techers say we have to do we yost to ddo maths and reading
when the techers tell us to. I like it because we do activitis.
This week we had a introduction to a new way of learning. We get to chose when we do amazing activitys that our thechers set. we get to do activeties when ever we would like. I like it because we
are free to do enething we would like and we don't have to do things when the thechers say . It's
also fun because the activtys are not to hard or to easy so all of us can be at the levle we need .
Also we dont have to do what the techers say we have to do we yost to ddo maths and reading
when the techers tell us to. I like it because we do activitis.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Addition and subtraction strategies
My Reflection
I was learning addition and subtraction strategies.
I learnt rounding and compensating and place value partitioning.
The strategy I liked the most was place value partitioning because you can use it no matter what.
I was learning addition and subtraction strategies.
I learnt rounding and compensating and place value partitioning.
The strategy I liked the most was place value partitioning because you can use it no matter what.
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Term 2 Week 3
when the mayor came to school
This week Len Brown came to my school.
we had a special assembly and the cite council came with the mayor.
at the end of the assembly the mayor presented us
with a green gold certificate .
I got to hi five the mayor it was so fun.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Term 2 Week 2
Last week on Friday we had the inquiry launch. I was in team 30. First we did skipping
my friend and I had a race and I won. Then the next activity was Rugby. We had to pot tags on people and the person with the most tags had to dance. I had the most tags so i did a dance.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Compering Caracters
In reading we have been reading Charlottes web
so my teacher disidid to make a challenge or us it has
10 challenges and 6 challenges are for evedans for our blogs.
This is my first evedans challenge. It is a venn diagram for Charlotte
and my friends and for the things that are the same about charlotte and my friends. I wasn't that difficult. It was easier to think about ideas for Charlotte. I had to do this so I could think about the characters in the story and make connections.
Term 1 Week 5
Last week we went to Te Tuhi. We made tapa cloth. We felt some tapa The tapa we felt was soft and smooth one was bumpy and the other one was flat . The flat one hade dimondes on it. The other one had a flower on it. It was really fun going to Te Tuhi.
Term 1, Week 8
Last week we did some art. The art was about us and our family and where
we live. My art is very colourful it has bubbles with love hearts.
After we colourd the art we wrote our Pepeha. A Pepeha is something
that teles people where you live.
My pepeha
This is my pepeha. I have been learning to introduce myself using my pepeha.
we also made some art to display my pepeha.
Monday, 30 March 2015
African praise poem
I am learning to write an African praise poem
I fond it easy to find words for my poem
My next step is to explain what an African praise poem is.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Term 1 Week 7
This week I did art. We coloured the art with pastel. It took a long time to coluor
the pitcher. I made it as colourful as a Rainbow but even more Colourful.
The sky was a Rainbow. My free choice was bubbles with love hearts
in them. They where very colourful.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Place Value
The thing that helped me most was:
- realising that the success criteria doesn’t change when the numbers get bigger
- practising on Mathletics
My next step is to try to learn decimals so I can do the higher challenge.
My next step is to try to learn decimals so I can do the higher challenge.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Term 1 Week 6
Last week at whole school Assembly my class didn't get the Mathletics trophy
because we didn't have enough certificates. Room 20 and Room 19
had enofe certificates to win the trophy. Last year my class allwas got the trophy. I
wasn't even in that class. It was the year 6s that made there class win
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Term 1 Week 4
Last week we did sports with youthtown. We played some cool games like capture the flag ore team WON!!! The last round was the best. There 5 rounds and we WON all of them. I got better a my running.
Monday, 16 February 2015
My 2015 Welcome post
Welcome to my year 4 learning blog. This year I am in Room 28/29 and my teachers are Mrs Graham and Mrs Melville. I enjoy Mathletics. This year I am looking forward to being in this classroom. I hope you enjoy my blog and leave heaps of comments.
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