In the first week of the holiday I packed my bag,when i was finished i looked through my suit case to make sure i was done, then i closed my suit case and put it in the car. Then we went to the bus stop, and the bus driver loaded the bus and we hoped on. After a 1 hour and a half drive we were in Hamilton, we hopped of the bus got our bags and went over to the camp bus, we gave our bags to the bus driver and he put them in the bag area , we hopped on the bus and got in our seats I sat next to my friend Rebekah we sat in the front because the boys wouldn't let us at sit in the back. On the bus ride we ate candy like bubble gum and Turkish delight and milky ways.
When we got to camp we went to the reception, and I gave my note and car sick pill to the lady at reception she told me i was with Aunty Victoria, so I went to my cabin and made my bed, then me and Rebekah went outside and played on the lullaby me and Rebekah got to push the lullaby.
In the morning Uncle Ian came through and woke us up then we Quickly got changed, brushed our teeth for breakfast we brush our teeth before breakfast because there's no time after breakfast because we've got morning activities. For morning activities we did quad bike I road with Aunt Victoria we were in the lead we were so fast.
On Wednesday we went down to the beach we made the amazon jungle city, we made a water line after we went to the beach, we got into our togs and got our towl's and got on the bus to water world. first me and my friends went on the Hydra slides, then we went on this inflatable stick the aim of it is to try sit on the to for as long as you can with out falling of
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